Ill for few days, finally (since long time) had some, lame but still, idea, and paint it. I had a canvas for almost two years, never used it, and had a courage to do it so...
Still, I'm enormously busy, tired, lost belive in my own drawings, regain it, and lost it again. But taking care of kids is so cool, they're so adorable!
This thursday I'm going to Brussels to (hopefully!) take my dyploma, and visit some friends. Maybe have some kick for my sketches and other stuff...
Helped also a friend, to do his short-film, did some sketches for him. Never had them again, I don't even wan't to, although, I could ask for some scans, just to put some of'em here.
Anyhow, here you've got an owl in night, small picture, smaller than A5, done with guash. I love guash...
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