Some time ago I made webpage for my sister and her fiancee, about their marriage. That will be in august, but they already are making some publicity for me between their friends. This page is very simple, but what is simple in look, is simple in use, and that's exactly what my sister wanted to have. We both decided colors, what write inside, everything. I'll be doing english version of it too. (PS. don't worry about resolution, that's printscreen, and my resolution is 1280x800 px)
I also made invitations (and more I'll do, more I'll learn about using photoshop and everything... Sirwen, when I'll be in Switzerland, would you mind to give me some lessons about chineese food, as we talked, and using PHP to do some cool webpages? :D):
Oh, And PS. Sorry, most of you are not invited, especially, when you're not living in Poland, and you don't know my sister at all ;) With whole do respect...
chinese food, yes, but php? no go! i only have a little knowledge of html, css and flash (but really basics flash). php is chinese ... euh, polnish to me. but if you want i show you the basics of how creating a website. have you seen the newest link in my blog? there you'll find under "info-screen" some beautiful sites (classic swiss design! :D), for inspiration maybe?
Where where? I can't fint it! :(
click on the numbers under "hauptaufgabe".
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