
About comments

Copied from mine Deviant Art Journal

Well, now I’ll start some kind of series of articles. My opinions about some thing.
So, now we can start.
First of all, I’d like to say few things about comments. I must admit, I’m not perfect in it, sometimes I just don’t have any idea, what to say, and others are saying that “I hate people, who’re watching, or faving my works, without saying a word!”. Well, listen guys, in my opinion, not every work need a comment. Why? Because there’re good, and bad artists, and if you’ll do a critic of bad artist, then’ll be a classic motive of “I’m abandoning DA!!! Nobody appreciate my works, and I’m trying so hard!!!”. Or, just works are so good, that you just don’t need to say a damn thing! Like works of William Turner, that I’d never comment, because I just love them, and they don’t need a word… silence say everything…
Another thing: when you’re commenting the others, I’ll take the example on me, when you’re commenting me, you’re writing “cute”, “fine”, or “I like that, but something is wrong. But, hell, what I can say, I can’t draw at all, so I can’t say anything”. That last thing worrying my the most. Geez, you’re a receiver of a work! You must like it, an artist, and YOU! If an artist want to draw to himself, he shouldn’t show any of his works, cause that’s only for him. Fine, but if there’s anybody, who’s showing his works, you’ve got full right to do review!!! And you don’t need to do good drawings. Absolutely not! You see the nature, like the others, you can say whatever you see is bad on that picture. If that “bad” thing is a fragment of style of artist, you’ll see that on his other works, or that artist will explain it to you. No worries! Only like that an artist can learn something for next time! So, any word “cute”, “good” or whatever, won’t help anybody. I know, I did same thing. But last time I tried to change it. And same thing I’m expecting from all of you… I just can’t see my mistakes. Help me with it!

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